Contact Us

Orange High School
525 N. Shaffer St.
Orange, CA    92867


Phone: (714) 997-6211
Fax: (714) 633-6460

Google Map

Photo of 2024 OHS graduates throwing caps in the air.


Attendance Office is now located in the new administration office on Shaffer St.

To report an absence in English, call the school main line, and then dial x7804.
(714-997-6211, x7804)

Para informar de una ausencia en español, llame a la línea principal de la escuela y marque x7808.
(714-997-6211, x7808)

ASB Bookkeeper
Phone:  (714) 628-5665
Athletics Office
Phone: (714) 997-6291

Attendance Office
English:  714-997-6211,  x7804
Spanish: 714-997-6211,  x7808

Phone: (714) 997-6233
College and Career Center
Phone: (714) 628-5605
Counseling Office
Phone: (714) 997-6215
Fax: (714) 532-8042
Health Office
Phone: (714) 997-6186

Phone: (714) 997-6234

PE - Boys
Phone: (714) 997-6236
PE - Girls
Phone: (714) 997-6237
Registrar Office
Phone: (714) 997-6227
Fax: (714) 997-6382
Student Center
Phone: (714) 997-6248


Orange High School (Google maps)

Map of the Orange High School campus.