English Language Arts
The OHS English department is comprised of approximately 20 teachers serving students through English Learner, Special Education, General Education, and Advanced Placement classes on the Orange High campus. Our department is committed to teaching students the importance of literacy, communication skills, and written skills that will serve them in all highs school classes as well as in their lives post-graduation. Students are introduced to complex texts in all grade levels and practice communicating, collaborating, and writing effectively about texts by sharing their opinions and learning to value the opinions of others. As we move forward with our new curriculum adoption of Pearson: MyPerspectives, our department is excited to create a rigorous and exciting environment for all students to learn and grow.
Ms. Visconti - Dept. Chair
Mrs. Brady-Haley sbrady-haley@orangeusd.org English 11 & ERWC12 |
Mrs. Buttrey gbuttrey@orangeusd.org AP English Lit. & English 10 |
Ms. Callas scallas@orangeusd.org English 10H & English 11 |
Mr. Earley mearley@orangeusd.org English 11 & ERWC12 |
Mrs. Ellis jellis@orangeusd.org English 9 & 11 |
Mr. Govea mgovea@orangeusd.org English 10 & U.S. History |
Ms. Irving mirving@orangeusd.org English 12 & ERWC12 |
Mr. Kim dkim@orangeusd.org EL Core Support, ELD Reading, ELD English, English 11 & ERWC12 |
Mrs. Kraft dkraft@orangeusd.org English 10 |
Mr. Lake jlake@orangeusd.org English 11 & ERWC12 |
Mr. Lemen mlemen@orangeusd.org English 11 & ERWC12 |
Mr. McMahon bmcmahon@orangeusd.org English 11 & Math I |
Ms. Morrell susan.morrell@orangeusd.org English 11 & ERWC12 |
Mr. Ramos andy.ramos@orangeusd.org English 9, English 10 & ELD Reading and Core Support |
Mrs. Rivas rrivas@orangeusd.org English 9, English 10 & Theater Arts |
Ms. Wielenga lwielenga@orangeusd.org AP English Language & English 9 |