Dress Code

OHS Dress Code

School Board Policy 5132(a) clearly establishes the standards for appropriate student attire in the Orange Unified School District. It is expected that all students at Orange High School maintain a neat and orderly appearance. A student’s dress and appearance should not draw undue attention, nor should appearance detract from or interfere with learning in the classroom or the discipline within the school. Any attire that is disruptive to the educational process is prohibited. The dress code policy will be enforced on the campus and during school activities. Consequences for violating our dress code policy can be seen in the Code of Discipline.

Appropriate dress and personal appearance at school and school-related activities shall not include any clothing, attire, or accessory that by its manner of appearance, arrangement, trademark, fit, or any other attribute, is unsafe; disruptive; unhealthful; obscene; profane; ethnically, racially or sexually degrading; libelous or slanderous; exposing undergarments; provocative or revealing; advocating unlawful behavior or illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs, or tobacco; advocating graffiti, gambling, violence, or the use of weapons; or suggesting or promoting any affiliation with any street gang or other group that commits unlawful acts (OUSD Gang Policy AR 5136).

Clothing shall not be excessively revealing and must be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Bare midriffs, excessive cleavage, crop tops, halter tops, tube tops, see-through, fishnet or lace fabrics, backless clothing, muscle shirts, oversized or off the shoulder tops, spaghetti straps are prohibited. Tank tops straps must be at least 1-inch. Any club jacket, which might be interpreted as gang-related, will be prohibited. OHS Letterman’s jackets or co-curricular activity jackets may be worn to display “Panther Pride”.

Hats, beanies, and other headgear worn on campus must be a blank color in our school colors  (black, orange, white, grey) or depict the Orange High School logo. Items not in compliance with the OHS dress code will be confiscated. Sweatshirts with hoods should be off the head at all times unless weather permits. Hats/head coverings worn for medical or religious purposes will be allowed. Refer to specific classroom policies regarding the wearing of beanies, hats, and hoodies while inside the classroom environments.

Pants/Shorts must fit at the waist-size appropriate and not be excessively baggy or show undergarments. Jeans that are torn cannot show any undergarments. No short shorts, miniskirts or short dresses. If a student stands with their arms at their sides with their fists closed, their shorts must be to point at which their knuckles end; skirts and dresses to the point at which their fingertips end.

Over-sized ear rings, chain belts, studded belts, studded bracelets, any type of pointed jewelry, or wallet chains are considered dangerous and prohibited. Chains and any items of jewelry that include metal studs and/or metal spikes are not permitted. Bandanas worn or hanging from clothes or promotional buttons which reference gender, cultural, ethnic, religious beliefs, etc. are prohibited. Belts must waist-size appropriate and tucked in the belt loops.

Student backpacks, notebooks, or other carrying bags may not display gang graffiti, obscene symbols, signs, slogans, alcohol, drug related, tobacco or degrading items.

Tattoos which are unsafe; disruptive; obscene; profane; ethnically, racially or sexually degrading; libelous or slanderous; advocating unlawful behavior or illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs, or tobacco; advocating graffiti, gambling, violence, or the use of weapons; or suggesting or promoting any affiliation with any street gang or other group that commits unlawful acts are prohibited.

Halloween Dress Code
Wearing a costume on Halloween is a privilege afforded to the students of Orange High School. In keeping with school dress code, costumes must adhere to the following guidelines:
Costume selection should not discriminate against any group regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or special needs status.
Weapons or toy weapons of any type are not allowed on school grounds for any reason on this day or any other day.
The school dress code and guidelines must be adhered to on Halloween Day as well as any other day.
Costume must allow you to sit in your seat and fully participate in your teacher’s classroom instruction.
Face masks are not permitted.

Legal Reference
Education Code 35183: Gang-related Apparel
Education Code 35291.5: School Rules, Adoption
Education Code 35294: School Safety
Education Code 48907: Student Exercise of Free Expression
Education Code 48908: Duties of Pupils