About OHS



We are excited to provide an excellent academic adventure for all students who access the programs and pathways which OHS has to offer.  There are several programs in place to provide opportunities for all students and to make sure that their experiences are fulfilling.  Our school community is ready for another year of success supporting our Panthers.   As an alumnus of OHS, it has been fun watching the students challenge themselves to make good academic strides.  We pride ourselves on making sure our school culture continues to support hard working students who want to make a tremendous impact.  From AVID to Athletics, Early College Academy to Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) and the many Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, all students on our campus have access to many enriching programs.  We look forward to our families being a part of the last four years of their student's traditional schooling.   As many of you know we love our saying “Once a Panther, Always a Panthers.”  We hope our students will graduate from OHS with a sense of Panther Pride, having made the most of the many Panther programs and opportunities.


Mrs. Anderson-Glass, OHS Principal
Sheryl Anderson-Glass
Orange High School 714-997-6211


 Orange High School has served the community of Orange for 119 years. Strong support from the local community has made it a unique community-based school steeped in long-standing traditions and pride. A great number of the students here are second and third generation Panthers.
We provide a rigorous curriculum for all students; promote a learning environment that supports high achievement and celebrates success; and encourage accountability of all student learning.
Our school reflects a culture of students with character, a climate of safety and tolerance, and an organization that values each member as a contributing factor to our school’s success.    


Orange High School Mission

Orange High School is committed to the continual improvement of academic achievement by providing open access to rigorous curricula in a supportive learning environment. All students will have the opportunity to become a global citizen where they can complete college entrance requirements and explore career pathways in preparation to become empowered to impact the world.


Orange High School Vision

Orange High School strives to be a model institution of equitable access to a rigorous curricula. Using research based strategies, employing recognized best practices, and providing a collaborative culture, Orange High’s stakeholders will hold the expectation that all students can master and/or exceed California Content Area Standards. Students will be provided support in the core areas and
an opportunity to choose flexible post-secondary pathways
including college/university education and careers.”


Alma Mater

Out among the groves of Orange,
With their golden hue,
Stands our loyal Alma Mater,
Glorious to view,
Sing the chorus,
Raise the banner,
For our victory vie.
Hail to thee our Alma Mater,
Hail to Orange High!


OHS Panthers logo


Awards & Competitions

  •  AVID Demonstration Site (only 2% of schools nationwide)
  •  MCJROTC Naval Honor School
  •  Visual and Performing Art Awards
  • 10 Chapman University Simon STEM Scholarship awards each year

Extracurricular Opportunities 

  • OUSD Early College Program currently offered in conjunction with Santiago Community College. Students will have the opportunity to earn up to 12 college units per year during the school day while completing high school graduation requirements. There are several Dual Enrollment opportunities.
  •  Athletic program with 25 sports teams and over 450 students participating,
  • The only JROTC program in Orange County
  •  Award winning Agricultural program
  •  25 academic and service based campus clubs
  •  Legacy Yearbook
  • Award winning, leveled choral program that includes: Treble Clef Chorus, Bass Clef Chorus, Advanced Women’s Chorus, Concert Choir, and Chamber Singers
  • Instrumental music program that includes: Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, Drum Line, String Orchestra, Music Theory, Rock Band, and Color Guard.
  • Mentor program: Over 100 upperclassmen serve as role models to incoming Panthers.

School-wide Learning Outcomes


By the time our students graduate, Panthers are expected to:

Be Effective Communicators who:

¨ Read, write, speak and listen reflectively and critically

¨Use language appropriately to convey significant messages to others both verbally and in writing

¨Demonstrate technological competence

Be Academic Achievers who:

¨Meet or exceed Orange Unified School District’s standards in all academic subjects

¨Set appropriate and realistic educational goals

¨Create intellectual, artistic, practical, and physical products using a variety of resources

Be Critical/Complex Thinkers who:

¨Analyze, interpret, and evaluate significant concepts within various contexts

¨Develop solutions to problems based on justifiable rationales

¨Transfer learned skills to new situations

¨Use effective leadership and group skills while establishing and accomplishing significant goals

Be Responsible Citizens who:

¨Recognize and respect individual and cultural differences

¨Make informed decisions and understand consequences

¨Contribute time, energies, and talents to improve the quality of life in our schools, communities, nation, and the world

¨Demonstrate respect for self, others, and the environment